Frequently Asked Questions


What can AAA add to my child’s journey?

Our sessions specialise in supporting the additional needs for autistic children - social and emotional skills, executive functioning skills, and cognitive skills.

Working with your child’s NDIS goals and goals set by parents, we are able to create an individualised program that supports children in a naturalistic, group-based environment.

Are you a school?

No, we are not a school. We are an autism specific disability support service and focus on supporting your child’s social, emotional, and executive functioning skill development. We can support cognitive goals, but we do not implement the Australian Curriculum’s academic/educational learning.  Children attend once a week.

Children are able to practice their skills in a naturalistic setting and generalise those skills to home and the community.


What age do you work with?

4 to 12 year olds.

We support children from Kindergarten year (the year before they start Prep) up to Year 6.


Can I use NDIS funding?

Yes! We are NDIS registered providers.

NDIS funding under Capacity Building:

  • Development Of Daily Living And Life Skills (0117)

  • Early Childhood Supports (0118)

  • Participation in Community, Social and Civic Activities (0125)

  • Therapeutic Supports (0128)

  • Group and Centre Based Activities (0136)

How many are in a group?

Our groups are capped at 4 children. We have three groups running simultaneously. 12 children on site is our maximum capacity.


How much are sessions?

Sessions are $47.50/hour.

A 3 hour session is $142.50; a 6 hour session is $285.

How are they grouped?

As a group program, the dynamic of the sessions is important; the team meet to discuss groupings, taking into account the individuals’ strengths, challenges, likes and dislikes to ensure the best outcomes for all. Our primary age sessions are mixed age (i.e. 5 to 7 year olds, 7 to 10 year olds). Our Pre-Prep session is only for children in their kindy year. 


Do you do ABA?

No, we don’t use ABA, however we whole heartedly support a collaborative therapy approach; taking elements of different practices and intertwining them with what works best for your child.

We use a wide range of methods, and an eclectic approach at AAA - drawing from a number of current practices and theories. Our team undertake continuous professional development in current practices that are supported by neurodivergent advocates.

How long are sessions?

Sessions are either 3 hours (8.30-11.30 / 12.00 – 3.00) or 6 hours (8.30-2.30).

Children can attend one per week.


Do you have any vacancies?

Please contact the team at or get in touch via the Contact Us page to find out about vacancies.

Is my child eligible to enrol?

To enrol at All About Autism your child must:

  1. Have a diagnosis of autism spectrum diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (Level 1, 2 or 3), or be undertaking the process of diagnosis with a Paediatrician or Psychologist

  2. Be between Kindergarten age (at least 4 years of age by 30 June in the year in which they are enrolled) up to Year 6 (usually 12 years of age)

  3. Have pre-requisite skills that enable them to function in a group setting i.e. able to safely engage in a group situation with a ratio of 1:4

  4. Children with significant needs that cannot be supported in a group environment such as high levels of physical and verbal aggression, will be considered on a case by case basis

What happens once we connect with All About Autism?

  • After sending an email to us, All About Autism will send a link to complete an expression of interest form and your child will join the waiting list.

  • When we have a vacancy in the program, you will be invited to an initial parent meeting to share your child’s journey, strengths and challenges. You will set parent goals that we can work on and we create a support plan.

  • The team will meet to allocate your child a spot in the group that suits their needs most.

  • Your child will be invited for 1:1 relationship building session at All About Autism with their new specialist to familiarise them with the environment. Children will receive a social story with photos of their specialist and the centre, and get a purple uniform shirt.

  • Your child starts at AAA and accesses a program that celebrates neurodiversity and supports your child to achieve their very best.

Can I have a trial session?

Children enrol for a 10 week program of support. Knowing what we do about autism, how important routine and structure is, trials are unfortunately not suitable for the model of All About Autism. It takes a number of steps to enrol a child, and create effective plans for them. We invest a lot into our participants to get them settled in the environment. We hope that by signing up for a 10 week program of support, we get enough time under our belt to really make some progress with your goals. A check in at Week 6 is always scheduled to see if parents wish to continue. Unless there are concerns, children can automatically re-enrol. We have been lucky enough to support some children through the whole of their primary years.