Speech Pathology
Neuro-Affirming Paediatric Speech Pathology
Sessions are run from our therapy room, in the grounds of AAA in Landsborough
Suitable for children aged 0-12 years
Early Communication Skills (i.e. attention and listening, first words, play or early social skills)
Receptive Language (i.e. ability to understand spoken words, follow instructions, understand words or sentences etc.)
Expressive Language (i.e. ability to produce language using words, correct grammar, sentence construction, story telling skills)
Semantics (i.e. vocabulary and word finding skills)
Pragmatics (i.e. social communication and interactions skills)
Executive functioning skills (i.e. organisation, inhibition, planning, attention, working memory, time management, flexibility etc)
Articulation (i.e. speech sound production, clarity/intelligibility)
Literacy Skills (i.e. phonological awareness, reading, writing and spelling)
Extensive experience and training in:
Hanen More Than Words
Floortime 101
Natural Language Acquisition
Executive Functioning
Social Thinking Methodology
Neurodiversity Affirming Practice
Nuffield Program for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) including PECS, Proloquo2go and LAMP
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Social Thinking Methodology (adapted to be ND affirming)