Speech Pathology

Neuro-Affirming Paediatric Speech Pathology


Sessions are run from our therapy room, in the grounds of AAA in Landsborough

Suitable for children aged 0-12 years

  • Early Communication Skills (i.e. attention and listening, first words, play or early social skills)

  • Receptive Language (i.e. ability to understand spoken words, follow instructions, understand words or sentences etc.)

  • Expressive Language (i.e. ability to produce language using words, correct grammar, sentence construction, story telling skills)

  • Semantics (i.e. vocabulary and word finding skills)

  • Pragmatics (i.e. social communication and interactions skills)

  • Executive functioning skills (i.e. organisation, inhibition, planning, attention, working memory, time management, flexibility etc)

  • Articulation (i.e. speech sound production, clarity/intelligibility)

  • Literacy Skills (i.e. phonological awareness, reading, writing and spelling)

Extensive experience and training in:

  • Hanen More Than Words

  • Floortime 101

  • Natural Language Acquisition

  • Executive Functioning

  • Social Thinking Methodology

  • Neurodiversity Affirming Practice

  • Nuffield Program for Childhood Apraxia of Speech

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) including PECS, Proloquo2go and LAMP

  • Sounds-Write

  • Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

  • Social Thinking Methodology (adapted to be ND affirming)


Contact us now for more information

Email jacinta@allaboutautism.com.au